SCREENSHOTS i'll add more screenshots after my admin wi'll restore my server. ------------------------------------------------------------------- WoW Interface: The more we start using it the faster it can grow into the UI Mod hub it was for EverQuest for so long. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CT_PetHealth - Shows Party Pet's HP.
CT_PetHealth allows you to view your party member's pets as if they were group members. The AddOn is very simple to use and does not require the other person to be using it.
To install, copy the CT_PetHealth folder into your AddOns directory.
When a warlock or hunter joins your group, their pet will automatically be added if they have one up; if they don't, it will appear on summon. If at any time the pet does not show up correctly, click the PetRefresh button in the upper left above your group members names or type /ph refresh. The refresh button can be hidden by typing /ph hide or shown with /ph show. If a pet ever shows as 'Unknown Entity' simply right click and update now on the pet icon.
Once the pet's hp bar shows up (it is fully movable by clicking and dragging the button to the upper left of the portrait), right click on the portrait and select Set HP. At this point you will need to ask the pet owner his or her pets max hp. Enter the max hp and hit OK, then it will refresh and the bar will turn green. If it doesn't immediately turn green, simply select the pet to make it update. If the bar shows red, this means it's not updating. If the pet gets buffed, you'll need to update its max hp.
**NOTE** Warlock imps that use phase shift have a very high chance to display incorrectly or not at all. There is no way around this.
The first pet in group is targetable via F6 by default, the second pet F7 by default. Both options can be changed via the KeyBindings menu.
The pet refresh icon is in the upper left corner by default; left clicking updates pets, right clicking & dragging allows you to move it wherever you'd like.
Quick Instructions (for those who don't like to read):
1. When pet class joins group, if pet doesn't show, click pet refresh or type /ph refresh
2. Right click the pet's icon, select Set HP, put in the pet's max hp
3. Watch pet's hp drop, but if you can heal, it is recommended doing that before the pet dies.
/ command list:
/ph or /pethealth - brings up the help menu.
/ph on - turns the whole pet mod on; on by default.
/ph off - turns the whole pet mod off.
/ph refresh - refreshes the pet list.
/ph show - shows the pet refresh button.
/ph hide - hides the pet refresh button.
/ph auto on - toggles auto-updating on; auto updating refreshes your pet list every 60 seconds and will remove a pet that's out of range or no longer summoned.
/ph auto off - turns off auto updating; it is off by default.
**NOTE** CTMod users can toggle all options and settings via the CT control panel. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a mod database with over 50 MODS.