------------------------------------ http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=477 - BloodEagle's Recompilation Description: This UI is a must use for Hunters, an awesome UI for Warlocks also, but can be used to good effect by anyone and everyone.
I am not the creator of ANY of these mods, and any and all credit goes to the authors of these mods, who did an outstanding job.
This mod contains the following mods:
------------- Gypsy Mod -------------- >>The basis for this entire mod is Gypsy, which is a very good easy to use mod. For all the Gypsy mod info and commands, check out http://gypsymod.the-mad.net/ <<
BCUI Tracking Menu - >> Replaces the trackng icon on the minimap with an icon that has a popup menu that allows you to choose which tracking ability to activate. The menu is displayed when you mouse over the icon and is hidden when your mouse is no longer over the icon or the menu. The list of abilities in the menu is automatically populated* with the tracking abilities available to your character, and should update when you aquire new tracking abilities<<
------------- Blacklist -------------- >>Blacklist is an addon that lets you add people to a Love or Hate list. It also allows you to give a reason why you put the person on your list<<
------------- Easy Mail -------------- >>Automatically fills in the subject line of a mail message with the name of the attached item when you drag an item into the attachment box. Only works when the subject line is empty so it won't overwrite what you've already entered.<<
HB Feed Pet Button - >>Select a food for your pet and drop it onto the feed button. Clicking the feed button will drop the selected food onto the pet. The feed button appears directly right of the happiness icon. When your pet is in "Happy" state, the button becomes transparent and a left-click will not activate it. However, you can override this with a shift-left-click.
Slash Commands /feedpetbutton lock - prevent the button from being dragged /feedpetbutton unlock - allow the button to be dragged /feedpetbutton small - make button size small /feedpetbutton large - make button size large <<
------------- Jaster's Quest History -------------- >> An in-game history of quests accepted/completed/abandoned
- Logs all quests that a player receives and records them in a sortable in-game list - Notes can be added to quests - Records the following information for each quest:
* Quest title, objectives, rewards, items as shown in the normal QuestLog * NPCs giving and completing the quest * Location of player when quest was accepted/completed * Level of player when quest was accepted/completed * Played time of player when quest was accepted/completed * Times quest has been abandoned/failed * XP rewarded for quest completion * Money rewarded for quest completion
- Only records quest data from the time the addon is first used - Does not modify any of the game's original files <<
------------- Jooky's Auto Potion -------------- >>When health or mana drop below a defined threshold, AutoPotion will automatically do one of the following: 1. Drink a Rejuvenation Potion 2. Use a Healthstone 3. Drink a Healing Potion 4. Use a Manastone 5. Drink a Mana Potion 6. Use a Bandage (Only if you're not in combat.)
Each of these actions are optional and fully configurable. <<
------------- Lock Bar -------------- >>Locks icons in your hotbars so they cannot be accidentally moved. A tiny box in the corner of your hotbar toggles this on and off.<<
------------- Loot Link -------------- >>This is a browseable, searchable in-game item database, with the caveat that it starts out empty. It automatically adds item information that it picks from a number of different places: your character's inventory, other characters' inventories whenever you target them, links in chat, items in your bank, etc. LootLink will also color the links in loot messages with the correct rarity color, if the item is in its database. To browse or search, you'll need to use /lootlink (or /ll) to toggle the LootLink window or bind a key to the Toggle LootLink binding. I use NumPad /, but you can use whatever you want. Once you toggle the window open, you can sort the items by a number of different criteria, can scroll through the list and see tooltips for each of the items, and can insert a link to an item into chat by shift-left clicking it in the list. You can use the Refresh button to refresh the window (new items aren't automatically added to the window, though they're in the database, to prevent additions from becoming too confusing when the list is sorted). Finally, the Search button will bring up a dialog box that lets you specify all sorts of criteria or reset the current search parameters to the default. The search options are quite powerful, letting you find things like all rare rings that modify intellect and have level requirements between 10 and 40 or all shields with armor more than 200, block more than 20 and a level requirement of no more than 50. <<
------------- Pet Attack -------------- >>PetAttack allows you to bind a key that will make your character say a phrase and send your pet into battle. The phrase is chosen randomly from a set of phrases within the lua file that you can add to, change, or replace. The pet name, player names, and target names are all chosen dynamically.
Further, there are phrase sets for three different situations:
1. Target a mob and hit the bound key. Your character will say one of the attack messages and send the pet to attack the targetted mob. This is the standard attack usage. Good for... well, killing things.
# ex. Clacker! Tear the Rabid Thistle Bear to shreds!
2. Hit the bound key after you are already in combat with a mob. Your character will say one of the assist_me messages and your pet will attack the mob you are fighting. This is good for getting that nasty mob to stop biting you and pay attention to your pet instead.
# ex. Clacker, get this thing off me!
3. Target a player and hit the bound key. Your character will say one of the assist_other phrases and your pet will attack the mob the other player currently has targetted.
# ex. Clacker, assist ElvenPlayer!
PetAttack Commands: /petattack <command> or /pa <command>
- help - Print this helplist. - on/off - Turn PetAttack on or off. - status - Check current settings. - reset - Reset to default settings. - alert - Toggle attack messages. - chan say/party/chat - Set message channel. - cast- Toggle casting spell before attack. - spell <spell> - Set spell to cast. - rank <num> - Set rank of spell to cast.<<
------------- Pet Defend -------------- >>PetDefend will cause your pet to defend other members of your party when they get attacked in much the same way as it defends you. The pet will only assist party members if the pet is set to Defensive mode. The pet will also only assist party members if the pet isn't currently engaged in combat with a mob. No more lazy pets that just sit there and watch party members getting eaten alive.
PetDefend Commands: /petdefend <command> or /pd <command>
- help - Print this helplist. - on/off - Turn PetDefend on or off. - status - Check current settings. - reset - Reset to default settings. - all/<player> - Set pet to defend entire party or member. - always/idle - Set pet to always defend or only when idle. - growl <name> - Toggle using Growl when defending. - cower <percent> <name> - Toggle Cowering when low health. - lowhealth <percent> - Toggle the pet defending on low health. - alert - Toggle alerting the party.<<
------------- Smart Pet -------------- >>* Taunt Management: Enabling this will ensure that your pet always has enough focus to Cower or Growl. Each time you enter combat, your pet will make use of the abilities that were set to Autocast when combat started, while maintaining enough focus to growl or cower every 5 seconds. After combat ends, abilities that were disabled by the focus manager during combat will be reenabled.
* Smart Focus Management: Enabling this will attempt to maximize your pets DPS output by automatically enabling and disabling burst and sustained damage abilities at the appropriate time.
* Health Warning: Enabling this will send a message to your party if your pets health drops below the specified amount.
* Auto Cower: Enabling this will cause your pet to cower when its health drops below the specified amount.
* No Chase: Enabling this will attempt to prevent your pet from chasing fleeing targets. Only works if you and your pet are fighting the same target.<<
------------- Social Send Message -------------- >>Adds a 'Send Message' button to windows that do not have it<<
------------- Telo's Buff Timers -------------- >>Mini Buff Timers: Adds small timers below the existing buff and debuff icons that show you how much time is remaining on each spell. The timers fit quite nicely under the icons and are very convenient.<<
------------- Telo's MobHealth -------------- >>This mod estimates the actual current and maximum health of your target and persists this as a rolling average that becomes more accurate over time. The current and maximum estimated health values are displayed over the target frame for any creatures that you fight. New: Added a little more feedback to the health numbers so that you can get a better idea of what's happening behind the scenes. An S after the numbers means that the current state is suspect, which is one step away from tainted, which is indicated by a T. When tainted, no more updates are done to the average while this particular creature is targeted.<<
------------- Telo's Quickloot -------------- >>Moves the most relevant portion of the loot window under your cursor when it opens or you loot something. As you loot items, the window moves relative to your cursor so that the next item is always just a left mouse click away. This is made somewhat obsolete, given shift-right click autolooting built into the client, but I still use it. Useful for skinners now, since autoloot seems to be broken for that this patch. This is also in Cosmos.<<
------------- Telo's Sidebar -------------- >>Adds two vertical 12-button hotkey bars to the right side of the screen and adds bindable keys for each of the buttons to WoW's key bindings configuration screen. You can keep the bars linked together, move them around, and change the number of buttons shown in unison, or you can unlink the bars and position and resize them independently. The SideBar code also moves your bag windows off of the bars, whether they are linked or unlinked. New: The new commands that I've added to support linking, unlinking, and resizing are link, unlink, and size. You can also resize through the UI. Once you've got everything where you like it, you might want to use /sb freeze. Added hidegrid and showgrid commands to hide or show empty button slots. Recent: This version supports a number of command line options that allow you to control the behavior of the SideBar. Option settings and the bar positions will be saved between sessions. Use /sb or /sidebar help for a list of options once installed.<<
------------- Telo's Selfcast -------------- >>Supports a pair of self targeting options. The first option is that, if you hold Alt while clicking a button or using a bound key, you will be the target of the spell, if possible. This won't affect your current target. The second option is smart self targeting. When this is turned on, spells that can target both you and allies will automatically target you unless you have an allied (friendly) target, in which case they will be cast on that target. If you are soloing, this is extremely useful, as you can simply hit your heal or buff or seal or whatever hotkey without having to do anything else to cast on yourself. It's also useable in groups, but you have to be a little more aware and make sure that you've selected your target before you cast the spell. Of course, it can be toggled off at any time. Use /selfcast help or /sc help for a list of commands. New: Added Innervate, Blessing of Kings and Crystal Force, Restore, Spire and Ward to the list of self-castable spells. Added an option to toggle Alt-casting on or off. Revamped the slash command handler and added help.<<
------------- Tracker Assist -------------- >>Provides assistance with the tracking ability. When you click on a blip on the minimap, this addon targets the corresponding unit and prints out some information about that unit. If there are multiple units under the mouse, then clicking multiple times will cycle through them. If in a party information about the unit is also sent to the party chat channel. Type /trackerassist to see the available commands. New in this version: - for player targets, guild name is now also displayed - when / commands are used to toggle options, the result is printed to the chat window - positioning improvements for the label under the minimap.<<
------------- True Target -------------- >>Makes the Target Frame show real levels, plus levels, ect.<<
Combat Caller - >>Alerts everyone in the vicinity when you are out of health and mana. This can be disabled with a simple command yet it can get pretty annoying to people around you.<<
------------- BibDragBags -------------- >>This mod makes your backpack, inventory bags, and bank bags all draggable, and it works just like you think it should! You can move them about the screen, and overlap them with no problem, just like in other MMOs. As you would intuitively expect, dragging or clicking on a bag brings to the front of all the other bags. This allows you to stack bags to save space if you want, without any issues.<<
------------- Map Notes -------------- >>Allows you to add notes to your world map to use later. You can also send these notes to other players, to help them locate what you are speaking of.<<
/slash commands for the mods are:
/sb brings up commands for Sidebar /pa commands for Pet attack /pd commands for Pet defend /sp commands for Smartpet /LL Lootlink /ap commands for Autopotion /ta Command for Trackerassist
*Disclaimer* I am not a mod creator/editor, so if you encounter any problems with this UI, there is nothing I can do to help you. As I also use this UI, I will be updating it for my own use everytime a patch comes out, or adding other mods from time to time. When I do, I will update it here and let you know what has been added.
I hope you enjoy this UI as much as I have. ------------------------------------ http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=483 - French Cosmos Description: Cosmos est une modification de l'interface de World of Warcraft.
Vous allez découvrir dans l’archive de Cosmos une quarantaine d'AddOns, en voici une liste non exhaustive :
- Jusqu'à 60 boutons d'action supplémentaires - Vitesse de défilement des quêtes accélérée - Vision des quêtes des membres de votre groupe - Affichage des buffs amélioré - Gestion intelligente des cibles des sorts - Ajout de macros - Statistiques sur vos combats - Possibilité d'ajouter des notes sur la carte - Affichage rapide des quêtes - Vision de l'heure et ajout d'un timer/alarme - Et bien plus ...
Pour avoir la liste complète, rendez-vous sur : http://www.cosmosui.org/french/
- Extraire le fichier zip dans le dossier de World of Warcraft, un répertoire 'Interface' sera alors créé, contenant une multitude de fichiers et de sous répertoires. - Lancer World of Warcraft
- Supprimer simplement le répertoire 'Interface'. - Si vous voulez effacer complètement Cosmos, vous devrez supprimer les dossiers WTF et WDB, mais toutes vos configurations et macros seront alors perdues !
Je tiens à remercier : - Tous ceux qui ont cru en Cosmos durant son développement. - Elzix pour avoir traduit presque la moitié de Cosmos ! - Blizzard pour nous avoir permit de modifier l'interface. ------------------------------------ http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=480 - CTMod Description: Brought to you by the staff of WoW.WarcraftStrategy.com, CTMod is an improved User Interface mod for World of Warcraft. It is functional with the latest patch and will have more functions added as time permits. CTMod was the very first with several innovative features, such as the Map Mod and Buff Mod.
Features(not all):
* BagMod - Rename your bags! * MapMod - Set notes on your worldmap! * BuffMod - Shows buffs in a list to the right, along with duration & name. Also alerts you when a buff expires(optional). * Player & Target Stats - Shows health and mana of you and your targets. * HotbarMod - Up to 4 additional hotkey bars, each movable! The number of sidebar buttons can be changed independently. ------------------------------------ http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=482 (0.90) - http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=481 (Patcher) - Gypsy Description: GypsyMod is a 100% modular World of Warcraft interface ADD-ON. The GypsyMod package consists at the time of this writing of 5 seperate AddOns, all of which can work alone or integrated. Our AddOns will play nicely with any foreign AddOns except for in a few cases where the foreign AddOn is doing something similar to GypsyMod; even then, most of the time it will not cause problems. An automatic patcher/installer is also available to make initial installation and post-patch updates easy and quick.
With all of that said, GypsyMod is an INTERFACE modification, not some programmer's plaything. It has been designed with usability and efficiency at the foremost of considerations. The default interface is lacking in these areas to put it lightly. For instance, Blizzard's interface features almost NOTHING in personalization options. GypsyMod provides lockable movement functions for every persistant non-movable screen item but the minimap!
Main GypsyMod Features
* Draggable Screen Elements - GypsyMod Capsules allow the user to drag and place every persistant screen element but the minimap wherever they like. This includes the player, target, and party bars, the action bar, player buffs, and the casting bar. Each of these elements becomes movable by moving the cursor over them and dragging the tab that appears. Our Capsules are also lockable, preventing the capsule from popping up when you hover over it with your mouse, and subsquently locking the screen item in place. * Options - When using the entire GypsyMod package, enjoy the benefits of a central options menu to control the many available options. When using stand-alone add-ons slash commands allow all the same functionality. * Improved Info Display - GypsyMod adds vital information displays to various areas of the screen. The player frame has a large colored text display for health, health percentage, mana, and experience, and the party frames all have large health text displays. The player buffs and debuffs display their name and duration. * Improved Action Bar - The GypsyMod HotBar removes the space-hogging default action bar art, experience bar, lag meter, and menu buttons. At the same time it adds 17 action buttons and the ability to make the bar quickly change page when you hold down a key, and change back when you let go, allowing for quick access of a full 24 additional action buttons. ------------------------------------ http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=510 - Neosliver's Addons collection Description: commands list :
>AllInOneInventory : /aioi toggle "toggles the AllInOneInventory window" /aioi includeshotbags "if it should include shot bags or not" /aioi reset "reset the position of the window" /aioi replacesbags "if it should be replace the bags or not" /aioi columns "how many columns there should be in each row" > BankStatement : /bs list "displays bank items as a list in the chat window" /bs show "displays bank item in a Bank window" /bs showall "displays bak item in a Bank window and open all bags" /bs clear "clears all stored bank items for current character" /bs clearall "clears all stored bank items for all chars in all servers" > BagStatusMeter : /bsm "toggle option window" > DamageWatch : /DamageWatch <Enable | Disable | status | reset > "it's enougth :D" /DamageWatch location < chat | overhead > "place the damage watch" /DamageWatch last "see last dps"
"under construction"
features :
*AllInOneInventory 0.25 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=117 *BankStatement 2.0 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=11 *Bag_Status_Meters 1.3.2 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=174 *BetterKeyBinding 4150 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=166 *BibDragBars 2.2 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=139 *BibDragBags 2.2 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=138 *DamageWatch 4150 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=40 *FlexBar 1.25 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=42 *Gatherer 1.9.5 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=44 *Goodtip 1.4 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=45 *Gypsy_BuffBar 0.90 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=47 *ItemBuff 1.2.1u3 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=129 *MapNotes 0.5.3 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=65 *MapNotesGathering 0.5.6 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=120 *MiniGroup 0.4ka > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=66 *PlayerFrameXPBar 4150 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=76 *QuestMinion 4150 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=83 *QuestFade 1.2 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=80 *ScrollingCombatText 1.1 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=222 *SellValue 4150 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=91 *ShardCount 4150 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=93 *StanceSets 4150 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=151 *WeaponQuickSwap 1.3 > http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=208 *Nurfed_HotBar ------------------------------------ http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=479 - SvartenUI Description: * Auctioneer v1.7 (Author: Norganna) * AutoBar v2004.01.03 (Author: Saien) * AutoMailSubject (Author: wow@bizarreconcepts.com) * AutoTrinketBar (Author: Ganrod) * BankItems K0.1b (Author: Kaitlin) * Clock v1.2.1 (Author: Telo, Cosmeticaly altered by Me) * CombatStats (Author: Onarne, Cosmeticaly altered by Me) * CooldownCount (Author: Sarf) * CooldownHud (Author: Saien) * Enchantrix v1.6 (Author: Norganna) * FlexBar v1.24 (Author: Dhargo) * Gatherer v1.8.8 (Author: Norganna) * GypsyMod v0.90 (Author: Mondinga) * ItemBuff v1.2.1 (Author: Telo) * LockBar (Author: Unknown) * LootLink v1.2.1-u2 (Author: Telo) * MiniGroup K04RC2b (Author: Kaitlin) * MyInventory v0.2 (Author: Me, original design/idea Sarf) * PlayerStatus (Author: Me) * PlayerXP (Author: Me) * PopGroup (Author: Dhargo) * QuestMinion (Author: Kilguren, Standalone version 1.1.2) * ShardCount (Author: Kithador) * TackleBox (Author: Mugendai) * TellTarget (Author: Unknown) * WeaponButtons (Author: Unknown, Cosmeticaly altered by Me) * WeaponQuickSwap (Author: CapnBry) * ZoomMap (Author: Gendal) ------------------------------------ http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=478 - Cannyar's Compilation Description: I decided to throw my Quested Warlock hat into the custom UI scene, I've been using what I think is a very good UI mix for a bit now and figured I'd unleash it on the world. While I play a warlock the UI is suitable for any class character.
First, I want to thank EVERYONE who coded up these mods. I haven't written a single one myself. What is here is a combination of readily available and mostly stand-alone mods (with one exception) that are functioning very well together. This mod collection has been tested on both the Mac and PC platform and works just fine with either (many thanks to Blizzard for making both platforms as equal as possible). Most pieces can be disabled, stripped out, or copied into your own combination just fine.
I will maintain this UI as long as possible (as long as I'm playing WoW) and keep it up to date with Blizzard releases and mod updates as best as I can.
If anyone has any questions, comments or complaints please feel free to contact me at cannyar at gmail dot com, aim screenname cannyar or on the server Zul'jin.
Donations of gold, silver, items, etc. gracefully accepted, send via mail to Cannyar on Zul'jin.
Now, on to the good stuff. ------------------------------------