---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=196 - BetterKeyBindings Description: Improve the KeyBinding pannel with menus on his left. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=436 - BibDragBags Description: This mod makes all your bags, including your bank bags and backpack, fully draggable! Each bag will stay where you put it, even when you log out. Dragging a bag brings it to the front, just like you would expect. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=437 - BibDragBars Description: BibDragBars makes the Minimap, Player Frame, Target Frame, and Castbar draggable. All of these things except the Castbar are draggable by their title bars. You can click anywhere on the Castbar to drag it. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=377 - BuffStatus Description: Buff Status is a utility AddOn that provides two functions to gather information about a unit's buffs and debuffs. Check the "Macros and Scripts" section for more detail : http://home.gwi.net/~mboutin/wow/index.html#AddOns ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=106 - BuffTimers Description: Mini Buff Timers: Adds small timers below the existing buff and debuff icons that show you how much time is remaining on each spell. The timers fit quite nicely under the icons and are very convenient. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=290 - ColorBlind Description: What? Colorblind (previously known as LetterCash) is a small UI Mod that makes life a little easier for the colorblind. Which is where the name "Colorblind" comes from. Incredible, no?
Why? I noticed threads surfacing on regular intervals telling sad stories of how colorblind people have been ripped off because they couldn't tell silver from copper from gold. So I wrote a quick fix. Then I left this thread alone for a few weeks and saw people suggesting things that could be added.
Features - Replaces the coins anywhere cash is involved with letters (g, s, c). - Replaces the not-so-easy-to-see combo point buildup thing with a black and white thing (that I must admit isn't 100% aligned *curses*) - Represents the difficulty of making an item with +'s in the tradeskill window. (e.g. "Hillman's Cloak (+++)" = Orange.) - Shows the level of the quests listed in the quest-log. - Shows the quality/rarity of an item in it's tooltip. (Don't think it affects references in the chat, I'd be surprised if it did. (didn't check)) - Shows a mob/player's "reaction" towards you in their tooltip. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=108 - ColoredTooltips Description: This mod colors the background of player/NPC mouseover tooltips. It is not meant to bring back the origional (release) tooltips, but rather offer background highlighting so you can tell hostility at a glance. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=448 - CT_PetHealth Description: CT_PetHealth allows you to view your party member's pets as if they were group members. The AddOn is very simple to use and does not require the other person to be using it.
To install, copy the CT_PetHealth folder into your AddOns directory.
When a warlock or hunter joins your group, their pet will automatically be added if they have one up; if they don't, it will appear on summon. If at any time the pet does not show up correctly, click the PetRefresh button in the upper left above your group members names or type /ph refresh. The refresh button can be hidden by typing /ph hide or shown with /ph show. If a pet ever shows as 'Unknown Entity' simply right click and update now on the pet icon.
Once the pet's hp bar shows up (it is fully movable by clicking and dragging the button to the upper left of the portrait), right click on the portrait and select Set HP. At this point you will need to ask the pet owner his or her pets max hp. Enter the max hp and hit OK, then it will refresh and the bar will turn green. If it doesn't immediately turn green, simply select the pet to make it update. If the bar shows red, this means it's not updating. If the pet gets buffed, you'll need to update its max hp.
**NOTE** Warlock imps that use phase shift have a very high chance to display incorrectly or not at all. There is no way around this.
he first pet in group is targetable via F6 by default, the second pet F7 by default. Both options can be changed via the KeyBindings menu.
The pet refresh icon is in the upper left corner by default; left clicking updates pets, right clicking & dragging allows you to move it wherever you'd like.
Quick Instructions (for those who don't like to read):
¤ 1. When pet class joins group, if pet doesn't show, click pet refresh or type /ph refresh ¤ 2. Right click the pet's icon, select Set HP, put in the pet's max hp ¤ 3. Watch pet's hp drop, but if you can heal, it is recommended doing that before the pet dies.
Slash Command list: ¤ /ph or /pethealth - brings up the help menu. ¤ /ph on - turns the whole pet mod on; on by default. ¤ /ph off - turns the whole pet mod off. ¤ /ph refresh - refreshes the pet list. ¤ /ph show - shows the pet refresh button. ¤ /ph hide - hides the pet refresh button. ¤ /ph auto on - toggles auto-updating on; auto updating refreshes your pet list every 60 seconds and will remove a pet that's out of range or no longer summoned. ¤ /ph auto off - turns off auto updating; it is off by default. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=109 - CTPlayerFrame Description: CTMod's optioanl PlayerFrame mod adds:
-An easier to read text style for hp/mana in addition to removing the words so you can more easily see the bar
-Adds a percentage of your health/mana value to the right of the bar
-Makes your health bar change colors when your life drops from green to yellow to orange to red. Idea originally credited to the Gypsy guys.
This mod works both when your Status Bar text is on or off. When on, it will not show the default values, but will show the status bar text for the exp bar as well as your pet. When set to off, no status bar text will show.
It works on Rage and Energy bars as well. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=314 - CustomTooltips Description: Mod that lets you specify what, exactly, is displayed in your tooltip, as well as lets you colorize it statically, or depending on something (level, hostile, etc)
This is a tooltip mod that modifies the tooltips that display when you mouse over NPCS and PCs. It lets you customize nearly all parts of it, such as: What displayed, color displayed in, and background color.
Want to just see their name and guild, on two seperate lines? Then you set the string to "%nn%G". Simple huh? You can further customize it with color and adding more information (level, class, etc)
Commands: There are two commands for the mod, currently: /ctt [on|off] - turns the mod on and off /tooltip <format_string> - sets the format string to display, < and > not included
Displaying Info You display variable information (eg: names) using the following codes: %n - Player name %g - guild, raw name %G - guild (formatted, <MyGuild>) %l - level %r - race %c - class %p - similar to %c, but only give the class if its a PC %t - title (eg, for NPC merchants) %C - City (eg, for NPC merchants) %m - mana percent for the target. includes the %. If they don't have a mana bar (ie: guards), it returns nil %f - if they are fightable, and PvP is enabled %h - if they are a "hero", and are a PC char %e - "(Elite)" if they're elite %T - "Tapped" if they are tapped by you, not sure how it works in a group
Coloring stuff There are 5 types of coloring: Text line static (r,g,b|Text): The same color all the time text line dynamic (-1,code,0|Text): The color based on a code background static (r,g,b|bg): The same bg color all the time. Background dynamic and textline default (-2,code,0|Text): Color the background based on code, color the textline the default color, background dynamic and textline dynamic (-2,code,code|Text): Color the background based on code, color the textline based on another code
Player name in blue, with the background representing their reaction (hostile, friend, neutral, etc): "0,0,1|Name %nn-2,n,0|"
Player name colored by level, with the bg representing reaction: "-1,l,0|Name %nn-2,n,0|"
Don't worry about the blank line. It won't display it, but it will process it.
Valid codes: n - gives a color based on their reaction. Blue for friendly and pet, Red for hostile, Yellow for neutral, Teal for party, green for guild.
l - gives color based on their level. Grey if less 10, yellow if between 10 and 3 lower, yellow if between 3 lower and 4 higher, red if 5+ higher.
g - gives color based on guild. green if they're your guild, white otherwise. TODO: add kos and allied guild colors
c - gives color based on class. Always returns white right now.
The current colors are hard coded in. %n will color the text/bg blue if they're a friend, red if they're an enemy, etc etc. Not all codes have dynamic colors for them and will default to white.
To color the textline statically: r,g,b|My Name is %n
Adding your own codes and extending it
The mod processes codes using string.gsub and a callback function. The callback function looks in the registered codes array to decide what to do. If the code exists, then it'll execute its corresponding function and return the text.
So, lets say you wanted to display (Elite) if the mob is elite, and you want the code color to be black. You want to use the code %e to do this. Here is what you do:
First, register the code, you don't include the %:
CustomTooltip_AddCode("e", ProcessEliteCode);
Then create your ProcessEliteCode function:
[code] function ProcessEliteCode() local level = nil; if(UnitIsPlusMob("mouseover") or UnitClassification("mouseover") == "elite" or UnitClassification("mouseover") == "worldboss") then level = "(Elite)"; end return level; end
Now you're done with the displaying it part. Whenver they put %e into the format string, it'll change it to (Elite) or a blank string, depending on if its an elite mob.
Next, we want to make it give us the color black if they use e in the color formats, so here's what we do:
---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=58 - EasyMail Description: Keep the author name when you send a mail ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=474 - Enchanted Durability Description: Small AddOn which allows you to move durability frame and shows additional info when you mousover colored part of durability frame (which represents your damaged equipment)
* Easy moving o You can move durability guy easly just by draging small box above his left shoulder o Lock it in place with right click on moving box (it changes color to red) o Unlock it by right clicking on it again (back to black again) o When moving aditional border will apear around it to simplify frame placment * Extended information on mouseover o When mousover damaged part of Durability guy tooltip will show o Tooltip info may consist: + Item Name + Durability value + Repair cost * You can configure it easly with ingame slash commands o Just type "/ed help" in your chat box for full list of commands o It saves setings per character which means that on every toon you can have difrent setings set * This AddOn doesn't replace any orginal blizzard files o You can turn it off and on easly from addon button in realm selection screen ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=309 - GoodInspect Description: drastically increases inspect range and adds guild info to the inspect window. if they move far enough away that they disappear, or if they log out, the inspect window will close.
you can inspect a player as long as you can target them, with the exception of targeting party members in another area of the map or world.
also adds a key binding for inspection you'll find the "Inspect Target" entry in the key bindings ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=324 - GoodTip Description: GoodTip is a tooltip customization addon
Can do the following modifications of the tooltip: - Add guild name - Change color scheme - Change format - Change tooltip's location and anchor - Lock tooltip to cursor - Snap tooltip to cursor
All features are optional, and your settings are saves between sessions.
commands: -get command list .. /gthelp -toggle addition of guild name .. /guildtip or /gt -toggle old color scheme .. /oldcolors or /oc -toggle old tooltip format .. /oldformat or /of -list currentl movement method .. /gttype or /gtt -select tooltip movement method .. /gttype <type> or /gtt <type> --> valid types are: none, move, follow and snap -list tooltip's current set location (for type: move) .. /gtxy -set tooltip location (for type: move) .. /gtxy <X> <Y> (default is -13 64) -set tooltip location to mouse cursor's location (for type: move) .. /gtm -list current tooltip anchor point .. /gtanchor or /gta -set tooltip's anchor point (for type: move) .. /gtanchor <type> or /gta <type> (default type is bottomright) --> valid types are: center, topleft, top, topright, right, bottomright, bottom, bottomleft and left
GoodTip usage help: the movement scheme may seem complicated but it's necessary to provide total control. there are 3 different ways you can change the tooltip's movement, using the /gttype command -follow- makes the tooltip follow the cursor -snap- sets the tooltip's location to where your mouse was when you moused over -move- uses a static location for the tooltip if you don't want any change to the tooltip's movement, set it to none with /gttype none or /gtt none
to define a static location for the tooltip, you can: 1) use XY coordinates (0, 0 is bottom right of the screen. -13, 64 is the default position) 2) set a position with the mouse cursor. place your mouse where you'd like the new position to be, and type /gtmouse or /gtm
the tooltip has a property called anchor. the default anchor is bottomright. allowable values are center, topleft, top, topright, right, bottomright, bottom, bottomleft and left the anchor is the side of the tooltip that doesn't move. the rest of the tooltip will stretch from that point, depending on the content. notice that by default, the bottom right corner of the toolip never changes position, and the rest of the tooltip changes depending on how it needs to stretch. this is because the default anchor is bottomright. if you are going to place the tooltip in the top center of the screen, you would probably want to set the anchor to top, so that the tooltip was always in the same position and it never moved off of the top of the screen, no matter how big the tooltip got.
some examples of tooltip placement are: (all commands without quotes of course). -to set the tooltip's location to the bottom middle of the screen, type "/gtt move", "/gta bottom" and then place your cursor at the bottom middle of the screen and type "/gtm" -to set the tooltip's location to the top left of the screen, type "/gtt move", "/gta topleft" and then put your cursor in the top left of the screen and type "/gtm" -to move the tooltip a little up and to the left of the default location, you would type "/gtt move" and then "/gtxy -50 90" (also, if you had previously changed the anchor, you would need to change it back by typing "/gta bottomright")
the old color scheme option changes the tooltip color scheme back to the way it was before it was changed by a patch. changes the color of the name in your tooltip back to yellow, changes the background color of the tooltip depending on whether they're friendly players (blue), friendly npcs or pvp enabled friendly players (green), neutral (yellow) or hostile (red).
the old format option formats the tooltip to the way it was before it was changed by a patch removes the line "PvP Enabled/Disabled" puts level on a separate line from race and class ("Level 39 Night Elf Warrior" is changed to "Night Elf Warrior" and then "Level 39" on the next line)
the guild option adds a line below the name of other players' tooltips that contains the name of their guild if they're in one ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=113 - GuildOnTooltip Description: Just adds guildname to player mouseover tooltips. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=214 - Gypsy_BuffBar Description: The standalone BuffBar AddOn in a ZIP archive. This includes the modified GypsyMod player buff/debuff window.
* We've included a togglable enhanced buff frame that is also movable and lockable like our other AddOns. By default the frame displays vertically below the minimap, and hides the default buff display. In addition to the default buff and debuff icons, it displays the effect's name and duration if applicable in clearly visible text to the right of the icon. There are also color-coded borders and backgrounds for the effects, blue for buffs and red for debuffs. * Option to use either the GypsyMod buff frame or the default. Note that if you change this, the durability and quest timer frames are moved appropriately so as to not cause positioning conflicts. * Option to show or hide duration text. * Like our other AddOns, the BuffBar can integrate with the GypsyMod Shell for it's configuration, or utilize slash commands if standalone. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=115 - Gypsy_UnitBars Description: The standalone UnitBars AddOn in a ZIP achive. This includes the GypsyMod movement capsules, display options, and additional status display for the player, target, and unit bars.
* The UnitBars AddOn adds a movement capsule to the player, target, and party bars to allow you to drag them wherever you wish. * Option to group frames with the player frame, making it easy to move them all around the screen as a group. * If frames are grouped, there's an option to invert the frames, on by default, so that they display at the lower left corner of the screen, allowing you to keep an eye on them along with your chat and combat, and your abilities. * Option to reset the unit bars to their default GypsyMod positions in the lower left corner, and to reset the other options to default. * To the player frame specifically we've added an extended information frame. This frame ALWAYS shows your hit points both in numbered format, current out of total, and in a percentage. It also shows your mana, current out of total. On the bottom, it displays your current experience, experience to level, and amount of experience gained from current rested state. * Option to color the player's name red when attack is turned on, in addition to the default red glow. * To the party frame specifically we've added another information frame, that is always on, and shows you your party's hit points in large, readable text. There's also an option to make this display as a percentage. * There are also options for the player and party frames both to show the health text in color. The color starts green, and when the character drops below 75%, changes to yellow, and then orange at 50%, and finally red at 25%. There is a similar option for the player frame mana display - it colors the mana text according to mana type, blue for mana, red for rage, yellow for energy. * Also, for the party frame, we've added a row of buff icons displayed below the default debuff row so you can tell who you have and have not buffed. These icons have a blue border as well, instead of the default. * Option to show 'Target Party Member' key binding labels (F2-F5 by default) above the party bars. * Note as well that for pet-users, the pet frame will automatically display on either the top or bottom side of the player frame depending on which position you have it in, and in order to save space for when unit frames are grouped, frames will automatically adjust to make room when you summon your pet, and adjust back when you dismiss him. * Right click menu placement for the player and target bars are also automatically adjusted per user settings. * Like the HotBar, the UnitBars can either integrate with the GypsyMod Shell system or utilize slash commands for configuration. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=471 - Gypsy_UnitFrames Standalone Description: This is GypsyMod's fantastic UnitFrame, as a standalone AddOn. You can throw this into Cosmos or any other mod you'd like to use. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=66 - ImprovedErrorFrame Description: Shows more than one error and make the error copyable. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=357 - LevelReveal Description: This AddOn simply shows the target's level in the target frame, at all times -- including on higher level (Level ??) mobs who usually have a skull in place of their level. Additionally, the enemy's level is placed in the tooltip in place of ??. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=472 - NumericReputation Description: PercentageValue shows the reputation as percentage and print the percentage value when the reputation is updated. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=499 - PetStats Description: Recently I started a Hunter Character, and hated having to constantly look information up about my pet. So I created PetStats.
Features: - Experience Point Display, including Estimated Time To Level - Training Point Display - Attack Speed Display - DPS Display - TrueDPS Display, based on damage done during an entire combat (Still testing this, give feedback please!) - Armor Display - Loyalty Display - Food Types Display, never wonder what it'll eat again - Minimal Display for non-Hunter Pets, shows only the Attack Speed, DPS/TrueDPS, and Armor - Displays directly to the right of your Pet's Status Frame, minimal clutter, or move it wherever you want it! - AutoHide feature, shows only on mouseover and after level up, loyalty changes, or pet change, and cleanly fades out
All data except the Time To Level and TrueDPS estimates are accurately reported, and compares exactly to the Pet Details screen ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=379 - PvPCooldown Description: This simple addon will add a little timer frame when you get pvp flagged, and countdown the amount of time left until you will no longer be flagged. Attacking opposing faction members will reset the timer. After your pvp flag expires, the timer frame disappears until you are flagged again. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=118 - RelocateTooltip Description: Title says it all. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=375 - Scalelt Description: Use /scaleit in game for the lowdown.
Basically this new version of ScaleIt should be useful to everyone, not just the vision-impaired. Every wanted a large minimap but a tiny quest log? Ever wanted your sidebar to be just a little smaller? Perhaps the partyframe is just too huge for you? Now you can set them all to your liking.
I've included preliminary support for Danboo's CastParty and Saien's TotemBar too. If this interests you then please snag it and try it out as it could use testers, try different scales and mixes of them. You should even be able to set a global scale variable and then have things scale against that. I've tested that and it works.
I also need help. I want to include support for Gypsy's HotBar but if I try to include Gypsy_ActionBar as a SetScale, weird things happen. Mondinga, could you supply me with the exact variables I'd need to be able to scale the HotBar as a whole?
If anyone has any requests on scaleable elements that aren't in there or AddOns they'd like to be scaleable, just point me at the element or the link of the AddOn and I'll have it in the next version. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=349 - SellValue Description: For every item in your inventory when you visit a merchant, that price is saved and you can refer to it when not at the vendor. Also has a bindable /inventorylist window with all your stuff and sell prices, which also functions like a normal bag (shift click link, right click equip, etc).
In addition to using /inventorylist to toggle the frame display you can also prevent certain items from ever showing up on the list. For example, my skinning knife, poisons, bandages, etc which I never want to drop or sell.
/inventorylist hide <itemname> /inventorylist show <itemname> /inventorylist list
Note that itemname is CASE-SENSITIVE! ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=292 - ShowLevel Description: This mod separates the rest and combat icons from the level indicator, allowing you to always see what level you are. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=120 - STQ Description: STQ is a framework to make cycling macros easier to write.
Ok it is a simple mod that is a framework for this sort of action queue.
I commented the heck out of it to help you understand what I was doing.
Note - this is not a user friendly, end user type mod. It still requires you to be able to use basic lua commands to make it work.
It has one action queue defined -- STQ0. You add functions to it with: /script STQ0[1]=function() <code here> end
There is also the ability to put a timeout on it (so that, after you've started the queue, but before you've finished it, if you don't press the STQ0.ex() button for STQ0.timeout seconds it will reset.) Setting STQ0.timeout to zero turns this off.
Lua cannot save function table entries across sessions, so you will have to issue these assignments each time you log in, or edit the STQSetupSTQ0() function to add them in permanently. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=376 - Sunder This Description: Sunder This is an AddOn for Warriors. It puts a small line of text above the target frame showing how much your target's armor is Sundered. ---------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=121 - ToggleEquipView Description: Introduction
EquipView enables you to toggle your helmet and cloak on and off without having to go to the interface settings.
Slash Commands
/thelm [0/hide/1/show] /tcloak [0/hide/1/show] /thelm or /tcloak will toggle the helmet or cloak on or off.
If using cosmos, delete WoW/Interface/Addons/EliteTarget and WoW/Interface/Addons/Props directories. Unzip the file to your WoW directory. Do not run cosmos.exe unless it has been set to None distribution or you will lose the mods until they are officially released
Version 0.3.1 Updated Sea to latest version Updated colors for guild/group members slightly
Version 0.3 Addons Sea - Utility package, same as the one distributed with cosmos. TooltipsBase - Provides a base mod for modifying tooltips. Also fixes the disappearing money problem for other addons that use hidden tooltips. Tooltips Color Target - Colors the background of the tooltip based on target. Includes guild and party based Tooltips Elite Target - Designates elite mobs with a plus sign. Bosses are designated as ++, and world bosses as +++. Tooltips Guild Target - Adds a guild tag to the target Tooltips Level Target - Removes the ?? for high level monsters. Tooltips Player Target - Colors the background of the tooltip based on target Tooltips Props Target - Player labeling. Some labels for Cosmos developers included Tooltips PVP Target - Removes the PVP Enabled/Disabled line
Advanced Installation directions: Copy the Sea, TooltipsBase, and Addons you want into your WoW/Interface/Addons directory