--------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=343 - Context Pet Buttons Description: Context senstive pet management buttons anchored near the pet healthbar. Buttons can be moved around as a set and locked down.
Actions: Dismiss, Call, or Revive Pet. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=38 - ActionReagents Description: ActionReagents will set the "count" number of your Actionbuttons that have spells that use reagents to the number of reagents in your pack.
Please note there is no configuration, or any specific UI to this AddOn. If you don't have an action button loaded with a spell that requires a reagent there will be no visible evidence this AddOn has loaded.
Four caveats: 1) This is only tested with a level 55 shaman and level 10 warlock. It should work with other spells that require reagents without changes. If it doesn't, a screencap of the tooltip when you mouseover the spell in question would be extremely helpful.
2) This should update all third party buttons. Flex/Pop/Cosmos/CT/etc. However, NO GUARANTEE. If a bar author has chosen a radically different way to aquire item counts then this may not work. To be frankly honest, I won't spend much time on this.
3) There is a oversight/bug on the Blizzard actionbar where it doesn't always call UpdateCount when you initially drag a spell into the button. Thus you will need to change the Actionpage and change back to make the counts appear. The counts appear immediately on my second/sidebar code.
4) Due to code in both Blizzard's and most third party bars, if you have exactly 1 of a reagent, the count will not show up. No intended workaround. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=198 - AmmoWarning Description: -Intro-
If your like me you sometimes forget that you are running low on ammo, and head out of town, only to run out or realize and have to run back to town, sometimes a great distance.
Well I started looking around and found a low ammo counter, tho it only warned you when you were already out hunting (by arrow use). I took that and modified it to remind you on other in game events. It also triggers the wood shield unsheath sound as an audio reminder.
[Adventuring Low Arrow Count] - Ammo usage - This amount is configurable for the warning that displays you are starting to run low on arrows (while you are hunting)
[Town reminders] - Zone Boundaries(indoors and outdoors) - Changing Any part of your zone, Entering some buildings, anytime your zone changes in your mini-map this should trigger. This should always trigger when you exit a town, reminding you if your arrow count is below a user specified number to buy arrows.
- Opening a Vendor - Any time you are opening a vendor, this will trigger if your arrow count is below number specified
[Critical Warning] Regardless of which of the above events are triggered, if the ammount of ammo you have is less than this number, the Critical Warning will trigger
One quirk that I beleive is client related, the zone changes sometimes don't trigger. I think this is related to the event (in the client) and not the script, this is similar to other bugs with pets, mobs and mounts that I have seen or heard of. This is predominant when crossing a bridge or 'landing' when entering a zone.
the guy who wrote the original mod has it posted at http://www.bizarreconcepts.com/wow give him all the credit, he did all the work, I just modified what he had done. Neither one of us take any responsibility if this breaks you, your game, or any bodily part is injured while using this mod. I have tested this on a lvl 39 hunter and it works very well, It should work with any Ammo using character, but I have not tested it. I beleive it does require either a quiver or an ammo bag to work.
Cosmo and GTmod and Gypsy are UI interface programs, I use cosmo so I will only speak of it. Cosmos does modify the UI but only to the extent that it adds menus for modification of other mods. Most of the functionality that COMOS brings is brought in by other mods, and Comos organizes them for you, this MOD is no different, however if you use Cosmo's (and possibly others) there is a function of Cosmos that will delete ANY MOD that is not part of Cosmos. I think this feature is turned on by defualt so you have 2 options here:
1. Remove the checkbox from "Keep Interface Directory Clean [deletes unused files] 2. Back up any additional mods you have added to your interface directory that arent cosmos (everytime you run it).
The first option is the most viable and easy to use one, however, on occasion you want to clean up your interface directory, perform option 2 and then turn that checkbox back on, just remember to turn it off again when you have cleaned the interface directory up. Then restore your backed up files.
If you are using Winzip or a similar program, just expand this zip file to your <DRIVELETTER>:World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns (DRIVELETTER is the drive you installed World of Warcraft on). Make sure you have the 'USE PATHS' option turned on when you extract (should be on by defualt). Once you have done this you should have a directory called: <DRIVELETTER>:World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsbc_AmmoWarning
After you have extracted all the files, you can open the directory <DRIVELETTER>:World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsbc_AmmoWarning and edit bc_AmmoWarning.lua to change the Parameters, they are:
BCAW_INITIAL_WARNING_COUNT = 800; -- THis is the number to start tossing up the warning if your reach it while hunting BCAW_TOWN_WARNING_COUNT = 1100; -- This is the number to recieve the town popups (as a reminder when you leave town to buy arrows first!) I recommend setting this number relatively high to remind you to refresh your arrows before you leave town. BCAW_WARNING_INCREMENT = 25; -- This increment only affects the warning that pops up when you are hunting, as you use arrows, it will tell the mod to only display the warning every xx amount. BCAW_CRITICAL_WARNING_COUNT = 400; -- This the the Critical Ammount for when the Critical Warning Comes up
In the character addons button this mod will be listed as bcAmmo Warning and should be turned on by defualt (the next patch will probably disable this, but instructions are to change the TOC file to reflect the current build number (same thing you have to do with Cosmo to get it to work until they patch it).
Thats all there is (I think) please feel free to contact me in game for help.
-Possible Additions- (to be added as I gain more experience with the LUA functions)
- Allow ingame configuration and toggling of this mod - Integration with COSMOS --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=337 - AuraAspects (0.11) Description: Introduction
AuraAspects gives you, the Hunter, another bar with your Aspects. The bar works like the Paladin Aura-bar (hence the name).
This code will probably be made obsolete with the ShapeshiftSpell AddOn that I intend to code someday, that'll allow you to add whatever spell you wish to the shapeshift bar.
Slash Commands
/auraaspects [-1/toggle/0/off/1/on]
Will toggle, disable or enable aura aspects --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=385 - bc_AmmoWarning (2005) Description: Displays a warning message when your current ammo reaches a set amount. Will also display warning messages at intervals under the initial warning limit as well as warnings every shot under a critical level. Default values are set to 200 for the initial warning, interval warnings at every 50 shots after that, and critical warnings for every shot once your ammo supply is under 30. Just change the numbers in the .lua file if you'd prefer other settings. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=41 - Blessing_Queue Description: This AddOn will let you queue together up to five blessings and will auto target party members for them to be casted on.
This AddOn uses an optional shortcut Blessing saming system.
l1 = Blessing of Light(Rank 1) l2 = Blessing of Light(Rank 2) l3 = Blessing of Light(Rank 3) m1 = Blessing of Might(Rank 1) m2 = Blessing of Might(Rank 2) m3 = Blessing of Might(Rank 3) m4 = Blessing of Might(Rank 4) m5 = Blessing of Might(Rank 5) m6 = Blessing of Might(Rank 6) w1 = Blessing of Wisdom(Rank 1) w2 = Blessing of Wisdom(Rank 2) w3 = Blessing of Wisdom(Rank 3) w4 = Blessing of Wisdom(Rank 4) w5 = Blessing of Wisdom(Rank 5) s1 = Blessing of Sanctuary(Rank 1) s2 = Blessing of Sanctuary(Rank 2) s3 = Blessing of Sanctuary(Rank 3) s4 = Blessing of Sanctuary(Rank 4) s5 = Blessing of Sanctuary(Rank 5) v = Blessing of Salvation c = Blessing of Sacrifice(Rank 1) f = Blessing of Freedom p1 = Blessing of Protection p2 = Blessing of Protection p3 = Blessing of Protection
Added Commands:
Add Blessing: Command - /ab Example - /ab Blessing of Might(Rank 3) or /ab m3 Adds the Blessing to the next available spot on your list.
Cast Blessing: Command - /cb Example - /cb Casts the next Blessing on your list on the corresponding player.
Delete Blessings: Command - /db Example - /db Clears the queue of Blessings and resets target sequence.
Re-define Blessing: Command - /rb Example - /rb 1 m3 Replaces the Blessing at the slot indicated (above example is for slot 1) with the Blessing entered (Blessing of Might(Rank 3) above). Note: Currently only works with Blessing shortcuts, full names won't work.
Auto-Target Blessings: Command - /autob Example - /autob Toggles auto-targeting for your blessings. When turned on it targets in this order: "player", "party1", "party2", "party3", "party4".
Reset Position: Command - /rpb Example - /rpb Resets the position in the list of Blessings to be cast to the beginning.
Targetting This AddOn will auto-target for you if left on. It will target in this order: "player" "party1" "party2" "party3" "party4"
Settings By default auto-targeting and shortcuts are turned on. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=248 - CastParty Description: Below is a summary from the README.txt file (you will find it in zip file).
The two main features of CastParty are the compact party/player frame, and the ability to program how mouse clicks behave when clicking on a party member.
The configuration file goes into detail, and shows examples, but briefly you can do the following:
LeftButton = 'TargetUnit',
The above simply targets the clicked unit. This works for any WoW built-in function that takes a unit as its only argument. Additionally I've coded some CastParty built-ins for your usage:
LeftButton_Alt = 'CastParty_ApplyHeal',
This performs the heal selection from the old Healomatic codebase, when you hold the Alt key in combination with a left click on the party member's bar. See the configuration file for a full list of CastParty built-ins.
If you want a specific click/meta-button combination to cast a specific spell, you can simply use something like:
LeftButton_Alt_Shift = 'Healing Wave(Rank 3)',
If you want a specific click/meta-button combination to cast the highest rank of a certain spell family, you can simply use something like:
MiddleButton = 'Healing Wave',
And finally, if you're Lua-fluent, you can assign anonymous functions to a click/meta-button combination:
Changes : Healomatic has died, and is reborn as CastParty.
Changes since Healomatic 1.17:
- mouse clicks in combination with meta keys are fully programmable (read much more useful than just healing) - figure out the cast message channel based on whether target is in the party or not - always cast the best possible HoT - removed restriction on Paladin emergency heals - specify the health text format as a percentage or current / max - status bars can be configured to shrink as health and mana are depleted - buffs and debuffs are visible to the right of each player bar - default bar height is 50% larger - player tooltips when hovering over party members status bars - display pvp/leader/loot icons to the left of each player bar - assign player/party popup menus to mouse clicks - specify color of text for player names/health --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=42 - ClassBinding Description: This add-on saves the key binding setup per each class you play, so that you can have one set of bindings for a rogue, one for a paladin, one for a shaman, et cetera, and all will be seamlessly saved and loaded as you switch around between your characters. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=374 - CountDoom Description: CountDoom is an Add-On for warlocks. It displays a counter on the screen whenever a demon is enslaved. The goal is to give the warlock a warning as enslave approaches its maximum duration.
CountDoom can play sounds at specific times to grab your attention. Currently, a sound may be played when there is 1 minute left in enslave's duration and when enslave wears off.
In order for CountDoom to play user defined sounds, you must place the .wav files in the /world of warcraft/Data folder. This zip contains 2 sample sound files, but feel free to use your own. To tell CountDoom which sound files to play, you use the / commands:
To toggle wether or not a sound is played at the 1 minute left mark /countdoom minute <enable/disable>
To toggle wether or not a sound is played when your pet breaks /countdoom break <enable/disable>
To set which sound is played at the 1 minute mark /countdoom minutesound <name>
To set which sound is played when pet breaks /countdoom breaksound <name>
KNOWN ISSUES: The position of the counter isnt moveable in-game. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=43 - CtrlPetCast Description: Allows you to cast spells on your pet using the Ctrl key. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=212 - DodgeDing Description: It registers interest in all combat events and when it notices you dodge it plays a sound (the same one played when you click your mini-map). This is usefull for example to remind hunters to fire off their attack styles that become available after a dodge. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=423 - Druid Bar Description: Druid Bar is a movable mana bar that keeps track of your current mana, even in a shapeshifted form like bear or cat. Please note that you must cast a couple of spells your first time starting up, for it to accurately gauge your regeneration rate. Might I suggest casting Healing touch a couple times on yourself and letting yourself regenerate? If the bar doesn't seem to be displaying the proper information because you logged on already in a shapeshifted form or whatever, simply shift out and type /dbar update.
Slash commands: /DruidBar or /dbar Commands: Toggle, ShowText, Update
Toggle: Toggles the bar on/off ShowText: Shows Mana info constantly, instead of mousing over it to display Update: Use in caster form if it's not displaying the right information. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=501 - FeedPetButton (1.2.5) Description: Select a food for your pet and drop it onto the feed button. Clicking the feed button will drop the selected food onto the pet. The feed button appears directly right of the happiness icon. When your pet is in "Happy" state, the button becomes transparent and a left-click will not activate it. However, you can override this with a shift-left-click.
I'm hoping that it is intuitive to use. No macros or actionbar slots needed. Please use this thread for comments, suggestions, and bug reports. Thanks.
Slash Commands /feedpetbutton lock - prevent the button from being dragged /feedpetbutton unlock - allow the button to be dragged /feedpetbutton small - make button size small /feedpetbutton large - make button size large /feedpetbutton reset - sticks the button on the center of the screen --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=440 - ItemBuff (1.2.1-u3) Description: This mod automatically displays icons and text at the bottom left of your screen for each temporary buff on any of the items you are using. The text will tell you the name of the buff and how long it has before it runs out, while you can hover over the icon and get the full tooltip for the buffed item. This is generally most useful for rogues and shamans, but might be useful for other classes, too. This mod is also in Cosmos. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=347 - MonkeySpeed Description: Here's small speedometer AddOn I made based off Telo's Clock and featuring Arys' speed calculation fix. It displays the speed as a percentage of run speed. It also displays a coloured bar with different colours for the main speed changes. I basically made it to remind myself to turn on aspect of the Cheetah :).
Screenshot: Up here *note: the delay when taking a screenshot actually affected the speed calculation so it's slower than it should be.
Slash commands:
/monkeyspeedpercent /mspercent Toggle the percentage display on the speedometer
/monkeyspeedbar /msbar Toggle the colour bar display on the speedometer
/monkeyspeeddisplay /msdisplay Toggle the entire display of the speedometer
*note: All of the slash commands save the settings on a per character name basis. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=49 - OneClick Description: README -=-=-=- oneClick currently only has the warlock spells include, but I hope to add other spells as I learn about their (de)buffs. This mod is named OneClick because the user needs to mash the one button as often as they wish to keep casting the series of buffs/debuffs. Each time you push the button the series of requested spells is consulted, and the one with the highest priority that isnt currently applied, is called upon.
Currently only warlocks are implemented: Heres a quick example:
/script doWarlockAtk ("c_w", "cor", "d_l");
would cast Curse of Weakness until it sticks, then cast Corruption and finally start Draining Life. Once, for example, Corruption wore off and you pushed the macro again, it would cast Corruption. Then go back to Drain Life.
WHY? WHY? Oh WHY? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I dont view this as the end-all for all your casting needs, but for those encounters where you want to lay dots (and keep em on) on a lot of mobs---this is a good tool to do it quickly. Those of us using really big screens have trouble targeting then looking to see what dots are on the mob in a split second.
Current Warlock Spells: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- c_a = Curse of Agony cor = Corruption d_l = Drain Life d_s = Drain Soul imm = Immolate c_r = Curse of Recklessness c_w = Curse of Weakness _sb = Shadow Bolt sda = Demon Armor sdb = Unending Breath
Setup -=-=-=- 1. Install the MOD into the AddOn directory, the files should live in a folder like InterfaceAddOnOneClick
2. Load up the ui. If you are already playing just type "/console reloadui" You should see a message that the OneClick AddOn has loaded.
3. Create a macro (use /macro) with the series you want to cast. a. /script doWarlockAtk(); b. /script doWarlockBuf(); c. /script doWarlockHeal(); In each of the ()'s put the shortcuts (three letter acronyms) in as a comma separated list. You can put a spell that doesnt have a buff last...like Shadow Bolt---if thats wanted. Shadow Bolt and a channeling spell like Drain Life wont work very well together. Watchout while using channeling spells, they should be listed at the end (when Spell:check detects adds to the casting logic, channeling spells will be more useful eg. cast drain soul if (mob_health < X% && num_shards < Y)...MUAHAHA
In the macro you can call your attacks first, then call the buffs and finally the Heals, and they wont do anything because a spell has already been cast before, I might be able to check if a spell is already casting and just exit.
Thoughts on possiblity of using with different classes: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=- Druid: Dont know a lot about that class. Could use some of the healing functions thought of in the Priest section.
Mage: DeBuffs that land, dont last for very long. Could be useful for self Buffs...especially the short duration ones.
Priest: Has one good dot...useful for the heavy mana using buffs. Probably would be good to have a function that either attacks the current target, or heals what the current target is attacking.
Paladin: Seals sounds good, but would also need to be able to cycle throught the current party members.
Rogue: Might work for different series of 'combo's.
Shaman: Worth considering, but other mods have it covered. (Totem Stomp) All healers could use the heal or dot target casting function---see priest.
Warrior: Could have potential to keep the 2 shouts, rend and hamstring. Other MODS may have it covered.
Future Plans: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * Implement Bandaging as 'Spell'
* Implement 'Shooting' & 'Attacking' as 'Spell'. They used to work, but with the re-working of the code for expandablity they were delayed.
* Want to add a templated pre-cast function so that each spell can test to see if it wants to be applied. (eg. Implementing recasting if the buff has < 10 seconds remaining.)
* Expand to a new class...possibly Priest or Paladin next. Since there are quite a few 'Healbots' out there, I may do Paladin first: OneClick-paladin.lua
* Write a function to cycle through party members for casting a 'series' of buffs.
* Integrate post-combat buffs/eating. (post combat button to mash, or put an 'in-combat' check in front of it.)
HELP NEEDED -=-=-=-=-=-=- This program relies on buff textures to check to see if a spell has already been cast. I need help gathering these to make this program work for higher level warlocks and to adapt it to other classes.
If you want to help gather buff textures, heres what you can do:
To get BUFFS, target something & use:
/script e = "Buffs:"; for i=1,10 do d = UnitBuff("target",i); if (d ~= nil) then e = e..d.."n"; end; end; message(e);
To get DEBUFFS target something & use:
/script e = "Debuffs:"; for i=1,10 do d = UnitDebuff("target",i); if (d ~= nil) then e = e..d.."n"; end; end; message(e);
Both of those are macros and can be pasted directly into /macro. Clicking on them will throw up a message box that you will need to SS or to copy down. Its not too hard to throw them to the default chat frame, change:
OneClick also has these functions that do that for you (sending the info the the DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME...)
OneHitWonder ( OHW ) is my "help users to keep up buffs and do semi-automated stuff".
It is NOT a bot. It has partial support for helping to make fights easier
Note that OneHitWonder is not meant to be "point-and-drool". It is primarily meant to help me (Sarf), but if others can get some use of it (and its codebase) go for it.
Bind a key to the OneHitWonder! binding and start mashing away.
The button is context sensitive, so it should know what to do. It will try to buff friendlies, attack enemies and so on.
Attacking enemies is only supported for a few classes, and only a subset of their abilities will be used.
Supported classes
* All Classes now buff, some more intelligently, others less
* Paladin * Rogue * Warlock * Warrior o Battle Stance only
OneHitWonder caches your spells and actions, and only updates the cache when it believes it has changed (or you restart WoW / reload the UI).
It contains quite a lot of code to facilitate spell casting, but huge chunks of it need to be refactored.
I will probably take parts of OneHitWonder and start doing my DynamicData project which should help people and reduce lag for all AddOns. Well, once everyone starts using it. (this has been started) --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=450 - PartyPets Description: Description PartyPets attempts to recreate the standard party member frames for the pets of your party members. Nearly all of the normal party member frame functionality works for PartyPets, including:
* Pet name, health, buffs and debuffs, just like a regular party member * Selection of pet by clicking the frame * Casting of spells on the pet via the frame * Standard tooltip on rollover (containing name, level, and pet owner) * Portrait display
In addition, the PartyPets frame can be positioned anywhere you like, just drag the PartyPets button to do so. The default position is just below the mini-map. PartyPets has been tested to the best of my ability but some bugs likely still exist. Please post any issues you run into to this thread and I will try to address them as quickly as possible.
Important: PartyPets is a client/server AddOn. Because of this you will only see the pets of other players that are using PartyPets, and only they will see your pet. PartyPets communicates invisibly between party members using the PartyComm addon (see below). You may notice a channel in your chatlist with the name "PartyComm<Your Group Leader>". You will not see any messages from this channel, but you must not leave it in order for PartyPets to function. The number of the channel is currently the first available, but I am working on a way to move it further down the channel list. PartyPets inclues PartyComm.
Slash Commands All PartyPet commands can be accessed by typing /partypets or /pp. /partypets on - enable PartyPets. (on by default) /partypets off - disable PartyPets. /partypets clienton - set yourself as a PartyPet client. (on by default) /partypets clientoff - disable the PartyPet client functions. (no pets will be displayed or updated on your screen) /partypets serveron - set yourself as a PartyPet server. Defaults to on for Hunters and Warlocks. /partypets serveroff - disable the PartyPet server functionality. /partypets refresh - request an update of all pet information from your party members. /partypets reset - remove all current pets and request an update of all pet information from your party members. /partypets show - show the PartyPet button and party pet frames. /partypets hide - hide the PartyPet button and party pet frames.
Installation Unzip into your World of Warcraft install directory.
Upcoming Changes
* Fix bug that causes partypets button to overlap other frames * More reliable Portrait captures * Improved UI, including alternate layout support * More reliable buff/debuff updating * Mana/Focus updating --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=51 - PetAttack Description: PetAttack allows you to bind a key that will make your character say a phrase and send your pet into battle. The phrase is chosen randomly from a set of phrases within the lua file that you can add to, change, or replace. The pet name, player names, and target names are all chosen dynamically.
Further, there are phrase sets for three different situations:
1. Target a mob and hit the bound key. Your character will say one of the attack messages and send the pet to attack the targetted mob. This is the standard attack usage. Good for... well, killing things.
# ex. MrCuddles! Tear the Rabid Thistle Bear to shreds!
2. Hit the bound key after you are already in combat with a mob. Your character will say one of the assist_me messages and your pet will attack the mob you are fighting. This is good for getting that nasty mob to stop biting you and pay attention to your pet instead.
# ex. MrCuddles, get this thing off me!
3. Target a player and hit the bound key. Your character will say one of the assist_other phrases and your pet will attack the mob the other player currently has targetted.
# ex. MrCuddles, assist ElvenPlayer!
PetAttack Commands:
/petattack <command> or /pa <command>
- help - Print this helplist. - on/off - Turn PetAttack on or off. - status - Check current settings. - reset - Reset to default settings. - alert - Toggle attack messages. - chan say/party/chat - Set message channel. - cast- Toggle casting spell before attack. - spell <spell> - Set spell to cast. - rank <num> - Set rank of spell to cast. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=52 - PetDefend Description: PetDefend will cause your pet to defend other members of your party when they get attacked in much the same way as it defends you. The pet will only assist party members if the pet is set to Defensive mode. The pet will also only assist party members if the pet isn't currently engaged in combat with a mob. No more lazy pets that just sit there and watch party members getting eaten alive.
PetDefend Commands:
/petdefend <command> or /pd <command>
- help - Print this helplist. - on/off - Turn PetDefend on or off. - status - Check current settings. - reset - Reset to default settings. - all/<player> - Set pet to defend entire party or member. - always/idle - Set pet to always defend or only when idle. - growl <name> - Toggle using Growl when defending. - cower <percent> <name> - Toggle Cowering when low health. - lowhealth <percent> - Toggle the pet defending on low health. - alert - Toggle alerting the party. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=219 - PetFeed Description: This addon allows your pet to rummage through your packs and select the food it likes, and then eat it. The AddOn can be set to allow your pet to feed when it falls below either happy or content. It also can be turned off, allowing you to just use the bind key to feed your pet at your whim.
The AddOn comes with a few selected foods in a table. This table can be added to as you run across different kinds of foods in the game. Simply add each food to the table of its type and the pet will remember whether it likes that food in the future.
PetFeed Commands: /petfeed <command> or /pf <command>
- help - Print this helplist."); - on/off - Turn PetFeed on or off. - status - Check current settings. - reset - Reset to default settings. - alert - Toggle alerting when feeding. - level content/happy - Set happiness level. - feed - Feed your pet. - add <diet> <food> - Add food to list. - remove <diet> <food> - Remove food from list. - show <diet> - Show food list. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=55 - PlayerStatus Description: Window with character statistics:
* Health/Mana Bars, Text and % * Exp bar, remainting to level text. * Your current money. * Your Resists and Stats. * Your DPS with Current Weapon(s). * Your Armor rating and Defence rating. * Your Class and Level
Movable... (drag point is lower left corner of title frame) --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=56 - PopGroup Description: Pop Group is a simple utility that pops a list of your groupmates under the cursor when you click a beneficial spell (buff, heal etc) without a friendly target targetted.
Your name shows up under the cursor, so self casting is a double click.
The bars with the names are color coded for that player's health - green is above 2/3rds, yellow is 1/3rd to 2/3rds and red is below 1/3rds.
Additionally a tooltip shows the exact health percentage.
If you have not installed a mod previously, there are a couple of tasks to perform:
1. Go to your main WoW directory 2. If the folder Interface does not exist, create it 3. In the folder Interface, create the folder Addons
After 3, or if you already have an interface folder
4. Move the PopGroup directory to the addons folder.
If WoW is already running, type /console reloadui to load the mod. If not, just start WoW up. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=59 - RoboticSheep Description: Tries to help you to re-sheep enemies. Mostly useful for Mages, I guess. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=60 - RogueHelper Description: Allows you to get a small window with your energy and combo points that you can drag around.
Usage : /rh (to check all commands) /roguehelper <show> on/off --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=62 - ShapeshiftShadowform Description: Allows you to use the shapeshift buttons to enter/exit Shadowform. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=63 - ShardCount Description: Display a minimap icon that indicates the number of soul shards in your inventory. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=64 - ShardSort Description: If you are a Warlock like me who keeps all of their shards in one bag (as much as possible), then you might find this handy.
Name: ShardSort
What it does:
Looks through your containers and moves soul shards into your preferred bag.
You can type /sortshards at the chat bar, or bind a key to "Sort Shards" at the bottom of your Key Bindings.
The first time the mod loads the default shard bag will be the leftmost bag slot. To change this simply type /shardbag [0-4] where 0 is backpack, 1 is the bag next to backpack, etc. up to 4 which is the leftmost bag. Once set your preference will be saved.
How to Install:
Unzip ShardSort.zip into (WoW Folder)InterfacesAddOns. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=459 - ShardStatus Description: Designed to help Warlocks manage the soul shards they create.
Creates a draggable button displaying the number of soul shards in a player's inventory, and the number of empty bag slots. The green number at bottom right is the number of soul shards, and the white number at top left is the number of open bag slots. Additionally, clicking the button will delete a sould shard from inventory without a confirmtion dialog.
There are 2 configurable settings for ShardStatus: size and limit.
The size setting allows you to specify a font size between 9 and 24 for the numbers displayed. The default is 12.
The limit setting allows you to specify a max number of soul shards to keep in inventory. When you create a soul shard above that limit, it will automatically be deleted for you. If you set the limit to 0 or a negative number, no limit will be enforced.
Type /shardstatus or /ss for usage.
There is one known issue: sometimes when you initially log in, the counters only represent your backpack, not all your bags. I'm working on figuring out why this is so. For now, the workaround is to change your bag contents, for example by dragging an item from one slot to another in your backpack, which forces it to update the count for all bags.
Just unzip into your warcraft directory. It's enabled by default. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=386 - SmartPet (1.5) Description: A Hunter addon to help your pet out.
Features: * Taunt Management: Enabling this will ensure that your pet always has enough focus to Cower or Growl. Each time you enter combat, your pet will make use of the abilities that were set to Autocast when combat started, while maintaining enough focus to growl or cower every 5 seconds. After combat ends, abilities that were disabled by the focus manager during combat will be reenabled.
* Smart Focus Management: Enabling this will attempt to maximize your pets DPS output by automatically enabling and disabling burst and sustained damage abilities at the appropriate time.
* Health Warning: Enabling this will send a message to your party if your pets health drops below the specified amount.
* Auto Cower: Enabling this will cause your pet to cower when its health drops below the specified amount.
* No Chase: Enabling this will attempt to prevent your pet from chasing fleeing targets. Only works if you and your pet are fighting the same target.
Installation: Unzip into <WoW Install Dir>InterfaceAddOns
Usage: Type /smartpet or /sp in game to see about usage. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=65 - StanceSets Description: Builds on the WeaponQuickSwap addon by adding a panel where you can drag and drop weapon sets per stance / shape.
Unzip the contents of the zip archive into your WoW game directory. Make sure you "Use folder names" so the files end up in the right place. You should end up with: <wowdir>InterfaceAddOnsStanceSetsreadme.txt <wowdir>InterfaceAddOnsStanceSetsStanceSets.toc <wowdir>InterfaceAddOnsStanceSetsStanceSets.xml <wowdir>InterfaceAddOnsStanceSetsStanceSets.lua
Typing /stancesets will open the stance set configuration dialog. Drag and drop the weapons you want equipped for each set into the containers, starting from the left. If you want to make sure the first set is in your hands when you assume that stance / form, check the "Equip first on activate". If you do not have this checked, and the weapons in your hand match one of the sets from your new stance, no swap will occur. To remove a weapon, drag it off the slot.
Up to 3 sets of weapons can be available for each stance. To cycle through them, use "/stancesets next". The addon will loop around to the beginning of the list when it sees the first empty mainhand slot, so: weapon1,weapon2 blank,weapon3 weapon4, weapon5 will not cycle at all if your hands are already holding weapon1 and weapon2. If you don't have any matching set in your hand when you call "next", the first set will be put in your hands.
The panel toggle and set cycle can be bound to a key combination. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=452 - SwiftShift (shapeshift tool) Description: This mod exposes one very simple function:
SwiftShift(form name)
SwiftShift allows you to shapeshift into a form by name. You provide the name of the form you wish to shift into. If you are currently in that form, SwiftShift does nothing. If you are not in the desired form, then SwiftShift will do what it can to get you into that form.
If you are in human form, then SwiftShift will simply shift you to the correct form BY NAME. The default API requires a number, which is not always the same from character to character i.e. I have 2 druids, and cat form is 2 on one and 3 on another.
If you are not already in humanoid form, and want to be in a different form, SwiftShift will shift you to Humanoid form on the first press, then to the desired form on the second press. This makes it very easy to shift from cat to bear by just double-tapping a macro that contains /script SwiftShift('Bear Form').
For a druid, viable names are 'Bear Form', 'Cat Form', 'Aquatic Form', and 'Travel Form'
To shift to humanoid form, you may use 'Humanoid Form', 'Night Elf Form', or 'Tauren Form'
SwiftShift includes keybindings to save macro space, and to allow you to use keys other than action bar buttons.
When used in other macros or scripts, SwiftShift() will always return TRUE if it caused you to shift, and false otherwise. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=366 - TotemBar (2005) Description: TotemBar: 20 spell buttons that autoload with spells and update as you level and buy spells. By default hidden, mouseover where the buttons are and tap shift to bring it into vision. Use "/totembar show" to see where you should mouseover, and "/totembar hide" to put it back to normal. Also has keybindings to show.
Note: This is primarily for Shaman totems, thus the name, however minor support exists for Mage and Warlock and more can be added for appropriate spells. Specifically, this is not intended to be a generic access to spells as a whole, but rather provide easier access to spells that are not always needed, but would take up an ActionButton if something like this was not available. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=68 - TotemTimer Description: This AddOn puts 4 icon slots below your buffs/debuffs. One icon for each element (earth, fire, water, air). When you cast a totem of a given element it puts that totem's icon in it's appropriate elemental slot along with a time remaining underneath it (ripped from Telo's BuffTimer).
Bugs: -If you are standing near another shaman that casts the same totem as you and his/hers dies first, your timer will disappear. If anyone has any ideas how to fix this please let me know.
-Talents that effect totem duration are not applied. This is on my to-do list, but I don't know how to do it yet so no ETA. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=414 - TrackerAssist (1.4) Description: When you click on a blip on the minimap, this addon targets the corresponding unit and prints some information about that unit to the chat window. It also provids a color-coded (NPCs=white,friendly players=green,enemy players=red) text display below the minimap which shows up briefly after you click a blip.
If there are multiple units under the mouse, then clicking multiple times will cycle through them. This requires a tracking ability (Hunter track for example) to work. --------------------------------- http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?downid=460 - UsePoison Description: This script command allows you to easily poison your weapons in one click using a macro. This differs from simpler macros in that you don't have to specify the location of your poisons in your bags for the script to work. The script searches your bags for the desired poison and uses it on the desired weapon. This is handy for people who carry more than one stack of the same type of poison. It also takes into account the rank of poisons and will use a more powerful ranked poison over a lower ranked one.